28 research outputs found

    Cost-Benefit Analysis of POME Biogas Power Plant: Case Study of PLTBg Suka Damai

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    Palm Oil Mill Effluent (POME) is a byproduct of processing fresh palm fruit bunches into crude palm oil (CPO) which has negative externalities in the form of gas containing methane, carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases (GHG) which is very dangerous for sustainability environment. The use of pome as feedstocks for biogas power plants (PLTBg) changes the negative externalities of pome into positive externalities such as increased electrification in the area around the palm oil mill (PKS) and also good for environmental sustainability. PLTBg Suka Damai with a capacity of 2.4 Mw is planned to reach the Commercial Operating Date (COD) in 2019, the financial calculation has a cost-benefit ratio of 1.19, percentage of Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of 12.84%, percentage of weighted cost of capital (WACC) 10% and a Net Present Value (NPV) of Rp 21,275,609,209.00. Using the cost-benefit analysis method, the authors calculate the positive externalities generated by PLTBg Suka Damai by comparing the value of benefits into three (3) alternative scenarios. The scenario I add the social cost of carbon (SCOC) as additional benefits; scenario II adds carbon credit income parameters from the REDD+ scheme; scenario III only utilizes the benefits of electricity sales and the electrification without adding additional benefits. Comprehending all the results, the first scenario with SCOC is the most optimize scenario for it provides far greater benefits to the community, far greater than the financial revenue received by the PLTBg itself

    Variety of Biofuels as Future Fuels (Environmentally Friendly Fuels)

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    At this time human life cannot be separated from the use of fossil oil energy, where almost every line of life cannot be separated from use of fossil oil. Both for transportation facilities, whether it's land, sea, or air transportation, we have realized that the availability of fuel from fossil materials is running low, so there is a need for alternative materials to replace fossil fuels because the consumption of fuel oil continues to increase from time to time. availability of oil supply from fossil availability the rest is limited, and Indonesia's oil shortage is a real possibility. As a result, Indonesia has to import crude oil and petroleum for raw materials for refineries. Products that meet energy demand in the community. On the other hand, Indonesia has great potential. The possibility of biomass or renewable resources being used as biofuel for biodiesel and bioethanol (ethanol) where the raw materials for these fuel products are available and can be renewable. Therefore, energy diversification To reduce oil, biofuels need to be introduced as an alternative to oil consumption, especially in the transportation sector. As a result, the land is needed to grow palm oil for the supply of biodiesel feedstock and its surroundings. We grow cassava and provide the raw material for bioethanol. The goal is to challenge the use of biofuels as a pioneer for alternative energy materials. So that in the future it is possible that the use of biofuels is the main fuel because in addition level of COpollution2 to the minimal, oil palm plantations with a 30-year plant renewal cycle are the lungs of the world that can absorb CO 2, so it can be ascertained that the use of This alternative biofuel fuel is the right fuel


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    Indonesia is still very dependent on the use of fossil energy. The use of fossil energy in Indonesia reaches 95% of Indonesia's energy needs. As much as 50% of fossil energy used in Indonesia comes from oil. The low increase in fossil energy, sustainable energy use, and the use of new and renewable energy are the main concerns of the Indonesian government. This shows the importance of energy security. As a form of energy security, the government has made a policy to use alternatives in the transportation sector that uses electric energy. Therefore, it aims to describe the conceptual framework framework of the electricity-based energy security policy in the transportation sector in Indonesia to support national defense. This writing uses a literature study approach. The findings from this are three concepts in energy security, namely: (1) the existence of a population of energy resources that is sufficient for energy demand, (2) the fulfillment of energy needs with the support of various facilities and other supporting parties such as distribution, transportation, production division and others. other, and (3) relating to the minimal negative impact of energy production and consumption on the surrounding environment as well as the health of humans and other creatures. Therefore, policies related to energy security, particularly in the transportation sector, are manifested in a statement of energy security. This form of energy security will have a positive impact on national resilience and of course can support national defense